1. What's up with your blog name?
Once, my friend told me I'm like a panda faced cupcake laced with cyanide. Most people think I'm pretty well tempered and that I am pretty sweet and adorable. I assume this is because I don't like being rude to people in their faces and I'm very short. Freshman year of college, near the end of the year I flipped out about how much I hated my roommate and people in my building were like "Whoa, I didn't even know you could get mad."
2. So is your blog just gonna be you pissed off all the time?
Now I don't want to talk non stop about things that make me mad. Sometimes they are stupid. I also want to talk about things that make me feel accomplished and awesome. Those things are stupid too. I also want to talk about my ideas for crafts I wanna make. Those are really stupid.
3. Do you have a job?
Hopefully I'll be a substitute teacher this fall. I just need to get fingerprinted and get 2 letters of recommendation from previous employers.
That is not what I want to do though. I have a BA in Chemistry and can't find a job. If you know anyone who wants to hire a chemist with a high GPA but pretty much no experience anywhere from Delaware to Toronto, tell them they should hire me cause I'll work my butt off ten times over for them. And I'll kiss your butt for finding me a good job.
4. Why a BA and not a BS? Are you stupid or something?
No. I'm pretty smart, I just made a poor decision. I came into university thinking "Oh man, I'm gonna be a Chemistry teacher and it'll be awesome. I'll be the best teacher ever! I love science!" Then I realized that everyone else in the education program was shallow and pretty air headed. We did a personality test one day and me and one other person ended up in one corner of the room and 40 other people were split pretty evenly in 3 other corners. And in later classes I took, they were all "Make lesson plans but don't lecture AT ALL!" I have no idea how to not lecture, that's all I've seen for the past 8 years of my life is lecturing. My professors were awful at teaching people how to teach. Everyone got an A in the classes unless they never tried. I even got an A in a class that I openly talked about how I hated it in front of the professor and how her teaching methods sucked and I missed a month of classes cause I had mono.
So one day during my senior year I cried to my professors in my science teaching methods class and quit and switched to regular Chemistry. I only had to take 2 extra classes, one of which I already took. This was better than taking 3 education classes in 1 semester plus student teaching. I couldn't do a BS at this point because I would have had to retake all the classes I took before at a harder level. I could have taken them at the harder level and I still would have gotten all As and Bs, but I didn't have the time because of the education classes.
I don't want to teach now. I kind of want to get rich. By rich, I don't even know what I mean. This substitute teacher job is going to be the highest paying thing I've ever done. So I'll be able to buy name brand food and cleaning supplies if I want. This was what I think rich people do.
5. Other than science, what else do you do?
I craft. Mostly I make plushies, but I also sew clothing, cosplay, make tiny sculptures, do papercraft and make food art sometimes. I sold a bunch of plushies at Otakon in the Artist Alley and nearly sold out (except for 3 boring dinosaurs that were overpriced and were not as cool as my monocle top hat t-rexes). This paid for my rent for a month.
6. What else?
I have a boyfriend who lives in Canada. He's already a grown up and has a job and a house. Makes me feel like a slacker.
I also have a cat named mimi. He is a boy. Also his name is lowercased all the time. His hobbies include meowing at me for no reason, sitting on my laptop, and making me lots of biscuits. I make lots of songs about my cat based on real songs. It helps cause I don't know the words to real songs. But I always sound like a crazy cat lady singing songs about my cat and his biscuit business.
7. Did you just make up these questions as if someone were actually asking them?
Yes. Yes I did.
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